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Dr. Liliana Sánchez's (UIC) research lies in bilingual, heritage and comparative syntax. In bilingual syntax, her current work focuses on crosslinguistic influence across language components especially syntax, morphology and informational structure (Spanish in contact with Quechua, Shipibo, Ashaninka, Korean and English). Her work on heritage bilingualism focuses on modeling processes of divergent access to heritage grammars. In comparative syntax, Sánchez works on the interface between informational structure and morphosyntax (Spanish, Quechua).
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04.2022. Fachada, N. (2022). A computational pipeline for modeling and predicting wildfire behavior. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk, COMPLEXIS 2022 (pp. 79-84), Virtual Event. SciTePress/INSTICC. DOI:
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